Boone County, Missouri Resource Management

Requesting Records from Resource Management

We do not maintain, or have access to records for properties located inside the city limits of Columbia. You must contact the city for these records.

Resource Management maintains the following record types: Property zoning, land use, permits including driveway, building, on-site wastewater and right-of-way, and county maintained road and bridges in the unincorporated areas of Boone County, Missouri.

We do not maintain, or have access to court records or arrest records

Please read before submitting a request

Request for Records Form


It is the policy of Resource Management to strictly follow the State of Missouri Sunshine Law. The general rule is to err on the side of openness and transparency.

Custodian of Records and Coordination of Responses

Missouri Sunshine Law requires that public entities appoint a custodian who is to be responsible for the maintenance of that body’s records. Such designation does not mean that the Custodian will necessarily have all records in her/his possession, but is simply an indication to whom requests for copies of records and information regarding Resource Management records shall be directed. The Administrative Coordinator of the Planning Division has been appointed the Custodian of Records of Resource Management.

How Records are Requested and Response Desired

Requests for records should be submitted to the attention of the Custodian of Records, preferably by email at Requests may also be submitted by letter or phone call to the Resource Management office. Please specify the type of records requested and include information to identify the records such as property address, parcel number, owner name, dates, etc. Also, please specify how you wish to receive the records, ie: paper copies, thumb drive, compact disk, or email. Please note that the Boone County network has restrictions on email size so emailing may not be possible. While not required, the Request for Records form is preferred. Be sure to include good contact information, including your name, phone number and email address so that we can contact you with questions or clarification and to let you know your request is ready for delivery.

Request for Searches and Identifying Records

A request for copies of “any and all records” of a particular item involves a request to search through every record of Resource Management which may include meeting recordings, emails, archived files and meeting minutes. Such searches are very time consuming and could be costly so please be specific in your request.

Request for Records That Do Not Exist

The Missouri State Sunshine Law does not require public entities to create records that do not exist. For the Department of Resource Management, examples of frequently requested records that do not exist include, but are not limited to, zoning verification letters, letters of compliance, final or temporary occupancy permits that have not been processed, timelines, any document to be created on Department letterhead, or meeting minutes that have not been completed (if requested, the portion of completed minutes may be provided).

Response Within Three Business Days

The Custodian of Records shall respond to the Requestor within 3 business days of receipt of a records request. A “business day” is defined as a day that Resource Management is open for business. While it is desirable that the entire transaction be completed within 3 business days, there will be circumstances where clarification or explanation of the request is necessary. If a deposit is required, the records search will begin upon payment of the deposit. See Fees below.


Fees shall not exceed those established under Missouri Sunshine Law RSMO 610.026 and may include costs for copies, research, labor, and the cost for thumb drive or compact disk. Once a request is received a cost estimate will be sent to the Requestor, at that time the Requestor may alter or withdraw their request, or provide payment to move forward with the request as initially submitted. Once Resource Management receives payment, the records will be retrieved. If the actual cost to provide the records is less than the estimate the Requestor will receive a refund, if the actual cost is more than the estimate the Requestor will receive a final bill which must be paid at the time of records pickup. Please allow up to three weeks for the refund to be processed.

Access to Records

The Custodian of Records for Resource Management can only retrieve records that are in the care of Resource Management. To request records that a different department maintains, the Requestor will need to submit a separate records request to that department. If the Requestor asks for records not maintained by Resource Management the Custodian will inform the Requestor which department maintains the record, if known.

Closed Records

All records of Resource Management which are permitted to be closed records by reason of the Sunshine Law, or by any other Statute of Missouri, or by any statute, or regulation of the United States Government, shall be maintained as closed records. No such records shall be released to the public. Subpoenas for Closed Records shall be forwarded to Boone County Legal Counsel.