Boone County Road & Bridge Media Releases
Select a year below to get a list of media releases for that year. Click on the hyperlink to view the media release for a particular date. The media releases are saved as PDF Documents, so you will need a PDF Viewer to view the documents.
Select A Year Currently Showing 2014 Media Releases
12/12/2014 - Christian School Rd Crossroad Culvert Pipe Replacement
12/09/2014 - Brown Station Rd, Brown Station Dr, and Spiva Crossing Ashalt Overlay
11/18/2014 - Dripping Springs Rd Crossroad Culvert Pipe Replacement
10/16/2014 - Tom Bass and Bonne Femme Church Intersection Improvement
10/14/2014 - Pinnacles Rd Hydro Demolition and Deck Resurfacing
10/02/2014 - Rangeline Road Pavement Rehabilitation
10/01/2014 - Tom Bass and Bonne Femme Church Intersection Improvement
10/01/2014 - Breedlove Dr Hydro Demolition
09/29/2014 - Fog Seal Schedule
09/19/2014 - Fog Seal Schedule
09/18/2014 - Sun Valley Estates Concrete Rehabilitation
09/17/2014 - Fog Seal Schedule
09/14/2014 - Fog Seal Schedule
09/12/2014 - Sharidan Hills Subdivision Asphalt Overlay
09/09/2014 - St Charles Rd between Demaret Dr and Battle Ave
09/08/2014 - Fog Seal Schedule
09/04/2014 - Fog Seal Schedule
08/25/2014 - Germantown Subdivision
08/14/2014 - Tom Bass Rd and Meyer Industrial Blvd
08/11/2014 - St Charles Rd between Demaret Dr and Battle Ave
08/08/2014 - Boone County Preservation Chip Seal Schedule
07/23/2014 - St Charles Rd from Route Z East to Callaway County Line
07/22/2014 - Gregory Heights Subdivision
07/15/2014 - Bonne Femme Church Rd
06/18/2014 - Creasy Springs Bridge