Boone County News Release
For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Michele Hall
Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312
Boone County Begins ARPA Application Review Process
April 6, 2023 – The Boone County Commission is pleased to announce the kickoff of the review process for the first round of ARPA funding. The 20-person review team met for its first meeting early this week, quickly following the Friday, March 31 application deadline.
By Friday’s deadline, the Commission had received over 100 applications for funding totaling over $80 million in requests, which exceeded expectations. With the total amount of funds requested far greater than the $15 million available, a thorough review process over the next few months will be critical leading up to final decisions.
Each proposal will be put through a robust review, which has already commenced. The Commission remains hopeful that approved projects will be announced early June 2023.
During February and March, the Commissioners held ten community information and listening sessions throughout Boone County to increase awareness of the opportunity. These meetings, in addition to information shared by local media, helped lead to a large and more diverse applicant pool.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law on March 11, 2021. The Act established the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program, which provides funding that must be allocated for pandemic rescue and recovery efforts.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury has established guidelines for eligibility for ARPA funding. Business and organizations are encouraged to review the ARPA Final Rule FAQs (, Final Rule Overview (, or other guidance issued by the U.S. Treasury to determine if they may be eligible for funding. After determining potential eligibility, businesses and organizations are invited to submit an application to the Commission via the website.