Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Megan Bania
Boone County Community Services Department
Phone: (573) 886-4298

Boone Indicators Dashboard Releases New Community Data and Equity Analyses

May 2, 2022 – Boone Indicators Dashboard (BID) partners are announcing important updates to the community’s dashboard.

The Boone Indicators Dashboard (BID) presents a variety of health, education, social, economic, and housing data for issues relevant to Boone County, Missouri. The purpose of the BID project is to make this information readily available to diverse community stakeholders who require data to more effectively inform and align community planning, resource investment, and performance management and monitoring. Updated data has been added to BID from the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.

The BID website contains a dashboard which clearly outlines Boone County’s performance in four priority community issue areas: We are safe and just; Our basic needs are met; We are healthy; and We achieve our full potential. For each issue area, key indicators of performance are included. Indicators include data for City of Columbia, Boone County, and the State of Missouri (when available). The Dashboard includes vital equity indictors of disparities. The BID website can be accessed at

“The BID shows important community data that can be used to inform decision making,” shared Boone County Community Services Department Director Joanne Nelson. “This community resource is critical to show how Boone County residents fare across different dimensions of well-being.”

In addition, data updates have been made to the data warehouse, a thorough, searchable database containing a variety of indicators to build information capacity for community stakeholders by providing the resources for them to find the specific data and sources they need.

The BID partners include the Boone County Community Services Department, the Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services, the Heart of Missouri United Way, and the University of Missouri Institute of Public Policy.

About the Boone County Community Services Department

The mission of Boone County Community Services is to support the greatest possible level of independence and self-sufficiency of Boone County residents by promoting their physical, mental and social well-being to cultivate a safe and healthy community. The Community Services Department was created to oversee and coordinate the disbursement of the funds received from the Children's Services sales tax, the portion of the Boone Hospital lease revenue designated for health care, the domestic violence funds collected through court fees and the Social Service funding.
