Boone County News Release
For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Chris Kelley, Deputy Director
Boone County Office of Emergency Management
Phone: (573) 554-7908
New Outdoor Warning Sirens Added to Existing Boone County Siren System
December 21, 2021 –The Boone County Office of Emergency Management has added an additional 4 new outdoor warning sirens sites this year throughout Boone County. These sites were identified as geographic locations that had outdoor warning siren coverage gaps. With these additions, it brings the total number of outdoor warning sirens in the county to 92. The new outdoor warning siren sites were added to the existing warning system from a taxpayer-approved sales tax passed in 2013. The sales tax funds the county operations for the Boone County Office of Emergency Management and Boone County Joint Communications.
Below is a list of the new outdoor warning siren locations:
Bluebird Lane near Route N
Olivet Road near Highway WW
Bentwood Lane near Brushy Way
Starla Road near Highway VV
Attached to this news release are two maps: click here for the map identifying new siren sites (highlighted in blue); click here for a map showing the locations of all the active outdoor warning siren sites inside Boone County.
The Boone County Office of Emergency Management will sound the outdoor warning sirens in Boone County on its regularly scheduled test date of January 5, 2022, at 12 p.m., weather permitting.