Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Michele Hall, Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Boone County Commission Announces Placement of New War Memorial

March 21, 2016

The Boone County Commission announces that the new, expanded scope War Memorial has been placed in the Boone County Courthouse Plaza. The Desert Storm Memorial has been relocated to the historic Columbia Cemetery, where it is prominently displayed on private property, complete with an ichthus symbol as part of that monument.

Until now, no war memorial on the Boone County Courthouse plaza recognized the contributions of veterans who served our country in more recent military conflicts, such as the Global War on Terrorism that began on September 11, 2001. The expanded scope of the new War Memorial recognizes the service and sacrifice of veterans in these military conflicts that were not previously recognized on the plaza.

VFW Post 280 in Columbia, Missouri, voted on March 14, 2016, to support the new, expanded scope War Memorial and to participate in its eventual dedication ceremony. The County Commission will be making arrangements to schedule a dedication ceremony in the near future. Boone County Presiding Commissioner Dan Atwill said, "The County Commission very much appreciates the support of the VFW for the new Memorial, and I look forward to the dedication ceremony."

The new War Memorial expressly recognizes the service of all veterans in the Cold War, Southwest Asia (which includes Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm), and the Global War on Terrorism. It also recognizes individual veterans who were Boone County residents and who died as a result of enemy action. Anyone who knows of a family member eligible to be listed on the Memorial under these criteria may contact the County Commission for further information.

One veteran who can now be recognized as a result of the expanded scope of this new Memorial is Sterling William Wyatt, who gave his life in service to his country in Operation Enduring Freedom. Commissioner Karen Miller added, "The Wyatt family was very pleased that their son would be recognized, along with all of the other Boone County veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice."
