Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Michele Hall, Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Boone County Week In Review

January 6, 2012

For the week ending January 6, 2012

Things you may have missed...

Boone County and TAG Events LLC reach agreement

Boone County and TAG Events LLC have reached an agreement for the management of the Boone County Fairgrounds. After making positive changes at the Fairgrounds during their short-term, TAG Events LLC was the sole responder to the County's request for proposals for the longer-term management of the Fairgrounds. The two-year contract between Boone County and TAG Events LLC is being viewed by both sides as a test program, during which the main goals are to gather information, increase public use and awareness of the fairgrounds and continue to improve the grounds and facilities. For more information, please go to

Commission approves 2012 proposed budget

The Boone County Commission approved the 2012 proposed budget during Commission session on Tuesday, January 3, 2012. The total budget of $56.9 million includes such things as election costs, road and bridge needs, 2% merit raises for employees and the subsidizing of fairground operations. The annual budget was prepared by and presented by County Auditor June Pitchford and her staff members. To view the 2012 Proposed Budget Report, please go to

Officer Molly Bowden Memorial Blood Drive held Friday, January 6, 2012

The Officer Molly Bowden Memorial Blood Drive will be held on Friday, January 6, 2012 from 11am until 7pm at Grace Bible Church, 601 Blue Ridge Road in Columbia. The Officer Molly Bowden Memorial Blood Drive will be hosted by the Boone County Fire Protection District, Boone County Sheriff's Department, Columbia Fire Department, Columbia Police Department, Public Safety Joint Communications 911, the University of Missouri Police Department and the American Red Cross. For more information, please go to

Boone County Resource Management collecting information for inclusion on registry

January 4, 2012—Boone County is now collecting information from companies and individuals that wish to be included on the Boone County Registry of Consultants for Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Services. Until January 31, 2012, companies and individuals can submit a statement of qualification to Boone County Resource Management to be included on the Registry. General Consultant Services Agreements will be generated for those who have submitted all requested information by the deadline. Any department within Boone County in need of these services has access to this registry, which they then use to determine companies and individuals from which they may solicit proposals for their specific project. For more information, please go to

Now Hiring!

Boone County Human Resources is currently accepting applications for Corrections Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Office Specialist Warrants Division, Road Maintenance Worker II, Senior Facilities Maintenance Technician and Prosecuting Attorney. For more details about these positions, or to apply, please visit
