Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Preventative Road Maintenance to Begin in May, County Explains Process

May 4, 2010

The Boone County Public Works Department will begin preventative maintenance on some of the County’s more than 200 miles of asphalt roadways this month. The annual preventative maintenance is a major component of a larger pavement preservation strategy that the County implemented several years ago. Pavement preservation is a cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life and improve safety and motorist satisfaction while saving public tax dollars. An effective pavement preservation program will address pavements while they are still in good condition before the onset of serious damage. The Boone County Public Works Department wants citizens to know the importance of “keeping good roads good.”

Each year, the Boone County Public Works Department applies cost-effective treatments such as seal coat and asphalt overlay to roads that are determined to be in good condition. The seal coat application will prevent water from penetrating the surface of the pavement and protect the top layer of asphalt from oxidation and wear caused by exposure to the sun and air. Boone County Public Works Interim Director Derin Campbell says that it is much cheaper to apply treatments to pavements in good condition than waiting until the pavement is in poor condition and more extensive rehabilitation is required. Asphalt roads that are determined to be past the pavement preservation threshold are categorized as rehabilitation or reconstruction projects, depending on the severity of decay. These projects carry a large expense and require dedicated budgeted funds.

The Federal Highway Administration is a strong advocate for the benefits of pavement preservation versus the doctrine of worst-roads first. It estimates that for every dollar currently invested in preservation, there is a $6 return in extended service life.

Roads will not be closed during the preventative maintenance work. Campbell asks all motorists to be cautious and obey all construction signs. Public Works crews will put up signs to alert citizens a couple of days in advance of preventative maintenance work.
