Boone County News Release
For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312
Chip Seal to Begin on Boone County's Asphalt Roads
September 14, 2009
The application of chip seal on more than 16 centerline miles of county asphalt road will begin Wednesday (weather permitting). The process will be completed over a six-day period. The Boone County Public Works Department predicts minor traffic delays of no more than five minute intervals. The chip seal project was awarded to Missouri Petroleum of St. Louis for $494,108.94.
Chipsealing is a cost-effective and proactive approach to preserve existing pavement that is in good condition and keep it structurally sound. For every dollar spent on preventative maintenance now, the county can save ten dollars in the future in rehabilitation costs.
"Our hope is to get a minimum of five years of life with the chip seal application," said Infrastructure Manager John Watkins. "If the county is proactive with preservation methods and continues to follow the program, our roadways will last longer and stay in better condition."
For asphalt roads, the chip seal process starts with cleaning the road surface to get rid of loose rock, vegetation and dust. Next, polymer additive emulsion is applied to the road by a computerized, pressurized distributor. Then, a spreader is used to dispense the iron mountain trap rock aggregate onto the road. Finally, the surface is rolled by a rubber-tire roller and the loose rock is cleared off the asphalt.
Boone County maintenance workers started chip seal work on gravel roads September 1. This year, the county will only chip seal 57 miles of gravel road instead of the usual 80 miles because of an increase in the price of chip seal oil.