Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Boone County Commission Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (573) 886-4312

Boone County Sheriff's Department, Fire Protection District 'Battle for Blood'

May 26, 2009

County Departments Sponsor Community Blood Drive

What: On June 2, the Boone County Sheriff's Department and Boone County Fire Protection District will team up with the Columbia Police Department, Columbia Fire Department and the University of Missouri Police Department to sponsor a blood drive for the Community Blood Center.

All blood donations will benefit local hospital patients. Donors are asked to bring photo identification, eat well, and drink plenty of fluids before donating. Cholesterol testing will be performed on all blood donors. Donors will receive a free T-shirt.

Why: The Community Blood Center needs 580 donors each day to meet area hospitals' needs. The CBC sends out almost 3,600 units of blood components each week to treat patients in more than 70 area hospitals. One donation can help as many as two patients. More than 99 percent of the blood collected by CBC stays in our community. The CBC relies completely on volunteer blood donors to meet the community's needs. (Source: Community Blood Center Fact Sheet)

Who: The Boone County Sheriff's Department is responsible for patrolling 684 square miles, responding to calls for service from the citizens of Boone County and investigating reported crimes. The Sheriff is also responsible for serving all criminal warrants and civil process papers issued to his department from the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court.

The Boone County Fire Protection District is the third largest fire department in Missouri. The Fire Protection District operates with a volunteer staff of approximately 200 firefighters and protects approximately 500 square miles of residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural property.

Where: Activity and Recreation Center, 1701 W. Ash, Columbia, Mo. 65201. Go to to make an appointment online.

When: June 2 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
