Boone County News Release

Press Archives Press Room

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:
Cathy Richards, Public Administrator
Phone: (573) 886-4190

Boone County Public Administrator Announces Receipt of 2016 Achievement Award

July 27, 2016

Boone County Public Administrator Cathy Richards would like to announce Boone County's receipt of the 2016 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo). Boone County was granted this award for the Public Administrator's program entitled "Establishing Charitable Funding to Cover Uncovered Healthcare" in the category of Health. This model program was developed with the end goal of paying for the dental health needs of the Public Administrator's clients. Cathy not only worked for the creation of a charitable fund to pay for dental health needs, but also successfully applied for money to fund this account. In order to use these funds in the most efficient and effective manner, Cathy also went through the process of bidding a term and supply contract for typical dental needs.

NACo congratulated Boone County for "continued work to promote the betterment of county services and programs." Boone County was one of only 110 counties nationwide to receive the award. Cathy accepted the award at the NACo Annual Conference in Los Angeles, CA.
